Tuesday, 11 February 2014

work in progress

Chatting with brother on the phone and by text it seems My Bro has been busy aboard Bracken in my absence. Apparently the top bunk above the 'shed' area is no more, its gorrn, defunct, deceased!


And there it was gone.
So I'm thinking i need to get up there and decide what the next step should be. I'm not sure whether to do away with the shelving to the left of the steps, or whether to incorporate them into a hanging space.Where the black box is on the floor will be a small chest of drawers/dressing table instead. 
(actually, the black box is my coal box so could probably go out on well deck).
Well today is Tuesday so I'm thinking maybe I could drive up to the boat after Friday's radio treatment, that'll give me Saturday and Sunday morning to form some ideas for bro to work on. He's a dynamo of energy and enthusiasm bless him, and gets stuck into a job till he's seen it thro.
Oh well, i'll see how i feel later in the week.