Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Heavily laden

Tuesday 5th August

I drove up from Kent  with a fully laden Polo . Not a bad journey at just 3 hours, and just the usual go slow around junction 13 Milton Keynes.
The car was stacked to the roof with boxes and the boot was full too. I was wondering where the devil I was going to put it all on Bracken but amazingly I found homes for the majority of stuff and only had to farm one box out to Jenny!
There are two more car loads to come, although one of them consists of furniture which is not coming to the boat but is being 'donated' to Graham and Jenny, that way keeping it in the family. Then the final load will be when I move up here permanently at the end of the month.
After a visit to Graham and Jaq's for some of Jaq's tasty chilli, I popped down to surprise Jenny as she didn't know i was coming up. Then, as I was pretty tired it was back to the boat for bed.

Wednesday 6th August.

A good nights sleep apart from the heavy rain drumming on the roof.
Shower, (still works), breakfast, (bacon and eggs), followed by a cup of coffee. Lovely start to the day and now for some unpacking.
Starting to feel a bit more cluttered homely.

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