Thursday, 18 September 2014

Kent and back

I had to go to Kent for a few days, so apologies for the lack of updates, but hopefully i'll be staying 'put' from now on.
My reason for the trip to Kent was to attend a couple of hospital appointments.
 An MRI scan on Thursday the 11 th in the morning, and a needle biopsy and ultrasound in the afternoon of the same day. None of which is particularly pleasant, but unfortunately necessary. The results of these tests have confirmed the Cancer has returned and so surgery will now be needed.
Obviously my having changed location from Kent to the Midlands will mean new doctors, hospitals and treatment etc. but I'm happier and in a better frame of mind being based on 'Bracken'. Whatever the future brings, I have the pleasure of being where I love to be, afloat.


  1. sorry to hear all this dave. keep in touch andy and ali xx

    1. Thanks mate, sorry didnt reply sooner, only just found out how to :-)
