Monday, 21 July 2014

Some fettling and a lick of varnish.

Monday 21st July.

A slightly restless night due to the heat. I'm not going to complain 'cos there will come a time when I'll be longing for warmer weather I'm sure.
After ablutions, followed by breakfast, I did some measuring up for the bookshelves. Out came the trusty saw, drill, tools etc and I set to. One advantage of a cruiser deck is that there is plenty of room to work and it keeps the mess outside and not treading through 'indoors'. Also, the storage boxes make excellent work benches.
The shelves I acquired from Jenny's boss were a little too long and were well weathered from being outside. No problem though, after cutting them down to length, and a good sanding down, followed by 3 coats of varnish, they look a treat.
 The hot weather certainly aided the drying process, and I was glad to get the job done before the hottest part of the day. That left me free to enjoy a lazy afternoon, staying out of the sun and having a good read.

Next trip I bring books!

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