Sunday, 26 October 2014

Each day, a little stronger.

Sunday 26th Oct.

Greetings people, although it's only been 5 days since coming out of hospital, I am feeling so much better. 
For the first few days I was feeling extremely delicate, tired, sore and uncomfortable however I sat or laid down. Gradually though, as the swelling went down, and the soreness abated, (especially the pressure sore at the base of my spine), I started to feel more 'human'.
In hospital, I was told that I was on the operating table for 9 hours! So no wonder I had a pressure sore, and no wonder it takes a few days to feel 'human after being on anaesthetic for so long. Just wish I could lose the sore throat, but give it time.
Friday I had a review with the consultant surgeon who did the work on me, and also had the stitches and staples out, (ouch! ouch! that stings)! Jenny drove me over to Derby hospital as I didn't think I was ready for the Madhouse of the A38 dual carriageway yet. 
Mr Laughan was pleased with my progress, and also the lab results from the tumour he'd removed. The phrase he used was, 'Cautiously optimistic that he'd removed it all' ........ Time will tell.
I had a better nights sleep Friday night, and woke up Saturday with more energy and a bit more 'get up and go' so I started a few little jobs. After showering, (gently) breakfast, rake the fire out and relight, I decided to top the water tank up.Taking my time, its an easy job anyway as the tap is on the pontoon adjacent to the stern of Bracken so its an easy job to run the hose the length of the roof and into the filler in the well deck.
It took a while to fill the tank so I must have been getting low. I know the capacity is around 100 litres.
Next job to empty the elsan whilst it was only about one third full so not too heavy to lift, I chucked the cassette in the car and drove it round to the emptying point.
Feeling somewhat knackered after all this activity, I sat for a while and chilled before making my way over Morrisons at Lichfield as the cupboards were looking kind of bare. Just some essential supplies to tide me over the next few days.
Shopping done, I popped over to Grahams house as i'd not seen him for a few days. They are up to their ears in  preparations for  house moving, hence my not seeing them for a while. I didn't stay long as I'm about as much use as a chocolate fire poker!
Back on Bracken, I spent the rest of the day/eve relaxing, reading, and generally doing very little.
I did feel I'd accomplished a lot that day and hope I continue to improve.
I 'll leave you with a picture of Sam and Peter who went to a Halloween party last night.

Scary or what!!

And a cute one of Jenny and Grand kids (hers)

Bfn people


  1. Well done Dave for soldiering through. Be sure to rest, rest, rest and be very careful on your own mate. Also please, please be mindful of the symptoms of sepsis. Les almost died from it due to his white blood count being destroyed by radiotherapy. We also know of another two boaters who've lost someone to Sepsis after cancer surgery/treatment. Les said had he been on his own he would have died as he didn't know anything about sepsis and he would have just thought he was feeling rough and laid down to sleep. Here is the NHS website for symptoms. Don't mean to scare you Dave--just want to make sure you know about it and what to watch out for. If you have any symptoms at all call an ambulance and get seen asap. Sepsis moves fast.
    That said, we are holding you in our thoughts for a good recovery.
    Jaq and LesX

    1. Thank you both for your kind words. I It's certainly a 'long road to travel' fortunately I have my Brother and Sister and friends keeping their eyes on me :)
