Tuesday, 7 October 2014

update and more rain.

Tuesday 7th October.

More rain this morning! Just for a change, haha.
I saw 'the man' yesterday afternoon. 'The Man' being Mr Laugharne, of Derby Hospital  Maxillofacial dept. He's the surgeon who is going to attempt to remove as much as possible  of the tumour that is growing on the right side of my neck. The Radio and Chemo treatment I had earlier this year seems to have nailed the Primary cancer in the tonsil area, but not the secondary tumour on the right side of my neck. Therefore surgery is the next step. This will entail also removing a quantity of skin, flesh, muscle and would you believe, the jugular vein !! I always thought the jugular vein was pretty essential, but it seems that as you have two, one each side, you can function ok with only one. I'll take his word for it! 
I'm due to see the anaesthetist team next Tuesday so they can decide which type of anaesthetic to use as previous medical conditions complicate matters. ( personally speaking,  anything other than a lump hammer is fine with me)! Naturally there will be some re-constructive surgery afterwards to fill in the missing bits, so they may well 'borrow' some skin/flesh/muscle etc. from 'other 'areas in order to maintain my youthful good looks. I've been told to expect a stay in hospital for 5 to 7 days. So, fingers crossed things things are starting to happen. There is obviously a lot more to this, but I've tried to just give you the summary of what's happening
Had a lovely stew at Jenny's last night when we got back from the hospital, very tasty indeed. Then, after watching Emerdale I spent all evening on the phone talking to friends and family who are all being very supportive.
Bye for now.


  1. So sorry to hear you are facing such arduous treatment. We are holding you in our thoughts for successful surgery and a good outcome. Thank you for keeping us posted via your blog.
    Jaq and Les
    NB Valerie
